Wednesday, January 25, 2012

the past week.

   It's been a fantastic past week. It started when I talked to one of my dear friends and things were just how we left them. Granted, we both have been through different things since we last spent any time together but it was lovely. Then we woke up at 5:45 three mornings and went to the temple before class. I'm am NOT a morning person, but as soon as you walk into the temple all the temple workers are buzzing and happy and helpful and it instantly wakes you up. I love it. The difference was so apparent.
   Lately I've been starting up habits back up that I've been slacking on. I'm so much happier than I have ever been in the past. And in Provo too! It's been a fantastic start to the semester. Things are lookin' up for me!
   One of my shorter posts but I'll be sure to make up for it with a long post later on about one of things I don't like about Provo, and I'm sure almost all Provo girls can relate to this one...



   It's a love-hate relationship. When I'm here I want to be in Georgia, and when I'm in Georgia I just want to come back here. Why? It's a cold, snowy desert our here and back in the South it's warm and sunny. But, I guess it's just because pretty much all my friends are here now, and I love my friends. This year I'm living in Glenwood. Heather, Sala, and Mel live next door to me, just like last year. And in my apartment we have Bronte, Roni, and Mackenzie, plus two new roommates whom I had never met before: Michelle and Yao Yao. Now I'm into the second semester and Yao Yao decided she didn't like living with us or something so she moved into another apartment with her friend who is also from China. It was hard because of cultural differences but Yao Yao was one of the sweetest girls I knew. I still see her from time to time.
   I don't even know where to begin with Michelle. The first time I saw her I just thought of this very talkative, short, charismatic, and organized person. Now that I've lived with her for a semester, my opinion's still exactly the same. Haha. We have a lot of fun, I think mainly because we balance each other out pretty well.

   I don't think anything too exciting has happened this year. It's just back to the same old grind. So here's some pictures because everybody likes pictures... If I think of any funny stories or some really juicy gossip, I'll spill.

Two concerts in the same weekend! (Imagine Dragons above, and Jon Schmidt below)
Way different genres, both totally rad.

 Followed a few weeks later by a Nik Day concert at Velour.
I wish we would have gotten a picture with him because he is to die for. His voice, his face, his jazzy piano fingers. Love him. Then, I got the crafting bug and made this little number with some of his song lyrics (and another one with some lyrics from Joy Williams).

Halloween Dance Number Two. Enough said.

We threw a little Christmas get-together and got all dolled up. 
'Twas fanstastic.

Friends after one of our Sunday dinners.

More friends at the BYU basketball game.

 And afterwards... playing Twister Hoopla and Swedish Twister...


the end.
for now.
