So we had the pleasure of road trippin' to Cali right after finals ended. When I say we I mean me, Amph, Aaron, and Jericho. And when I say right after finals ended I mean that very night.
We drove to San Bernardino (San B for you native folk) to visit Amph and Aaron's mission. That seemed like a good enough excuse to go to Cali to me, so me and Jericho tagged along.
We rolled into Barstow around six in the morning so, naturally, since we were passing Robertiroz, which apparently has the best burritos ever, we had to stop. Jericho and Amph were the only ones who ate. There was no way my stomach could have handled all that grease that early in the morning. But I did have a bite, and yes, it was good. Maybe next time, Barstow.
After Robertiroz, we kept driving on to Rancho Cucamunga. We got to stay in the mission home, courtesy of the lovely Godwins. They were wonderful. Plus, I got to stay in the General Authority room in a giant bed all to myself, so it was definitely a welcome vacation for me. Anyway, once we got to the Godwin's Sister Godwin (what a saint) made us pancakes. Then we got to shower and nap, both of which were very much needed. (No offense to the guys. Really, it was just me.)
So, we napped for a bit. Then decided we needed to get out and do something. We went to the mall, but that didn't last for very long. So we stayed out for a bit but then went back to the mission home for more naps. I know we sound pathetic, but we drove straight through the night! The only thing we had that night was dinner with the Francis's at seven. So we napped. And napped. And napped right on until seven. Every single one of us slept through our alarms. It was just by some miracle that I woke up at seven and remembered that we had to go. So we got everybody up and rushed over to the Francis's. And let me tell you! I swear that was some of the best food I have ever had the pleasure of putting in my stomach! The Francis's are a Jamaican family and I had heard lots of good things about them and their cooking. And then I got to experience it for myself. Not a let down. I now have some new plans for my future. I will move into a big house in California and hire a Jamaican chef and live there happily until I die.
After we left the Francis house, we visited a friend who is serving in the San Bernardino mission, Allen Monk (with President's permission!). He had lived in our Glenwood ward pre-mission and it was good to see him out in the field.
Then we watched some LOST and called it a night.
The next morning, we packed up all our stuff and headed to Valencia for SIX FLAGS! I miss Six Flags. I now crave roller coasters daily. Thank you, Six Flags.
But seriously, it was so fun.
really excited for rides. goobers.
batman: the ride.
lex luther drop of doom.
(actually scared on this one!)
There were a few others, but these are the ones we got pictures of. In all I think we counted 18 rides we got to go on (some repeats). There was barely anybody there so it was sweet!
After Six Flags closed, we decided we were just going to stay at Rachel's grandpa's house since it was close and we wanted to go to the beach with Rachel, Jess, Hannah, Chelsie, and Jane in the morning. But they were at Disneyland until like eleven so we went to Huntington Beach until they got back. Water, freezing. Wind, a mess. But it was so nice to stand on a beach again, especially since this time it was a west coast beach instead of east.
that's pure happiness right there, folks.
cool kids.
the pier.
we thought there was a dance party on the pier.
nope, just cool laser lights.
So then once we headed back to Rachel's grandpa's house, we all settled down and slept like rocks, not babies. When we woke up we had a lovely breakfast out on the veranda. It was perfect California weather and it was so wonderful.
Then we all took a little road trip down to Carlsbad to visit Rachel's grandma and to go to the beach. I'm pretty positive Rachel must have some of the coolest grandparents ever because her grandma was the bomb.
Anyway, so we went to the beach, which was freezing. So no, I did not venture into the icy depths of the abyss, but it was pretty fun anyway. We played some frisbee and I watched the guys attempting to body surf in the freezing water. Priceless.
best picture ever:
We eventually went back to Grandma's house and relaxed for a bit (and hit up the hot tub in her retirement community) before hitting the road again to get back to the Godwin's.
We got back pretty late, but still managed to fit in some LOST before heading to bed.
We woke up the next morning to hit up the Chaffey ward where Amph served his last nine months. We walked in and it was like he was a celebrity. Even Jericho felt the need to touch the Elder Miller.
The people in that ward were all awesome, even if they did keep asking if I was Amph's wife. That was a little awkward, but I think it was handled decently, haha.
After church, we went to visit the Olhasso's, another mission family of Amph's. Brother Olhasso is a gourmet chef so he made us some yummy food and we visited for a bit before we hit the road again, this time for Utah.
We got one last picture with the Godwin's (at the top) and said goodbye to California, but not forever. Believe me, I will be back.
Best road trip in a while.
Until next time.
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