How have I been? Well, you know... Or maybe you don't. But for all intents and purposes, let's just say I've been doing alright.
Life is hard. I know that's nothing new, but that's something that I feel like I've been learning the hard way (is there any other way?) these past few weeks, or months, or year. Who knows anymore? But the bottom-line is that life is hard. And it gets harder. But, we get back up. ALWAYS.
Here's a little something based on the words of my friend President Eyring:
His love is unfailing.
One night, I was just laying on my bed watching Mormon Messages because every once in a while I just feel the need for a spiritual boost. This was the most recent one so it appeared first. I think I watched it about four times before watching a new one. And I cried every time. I don't mean the eyes-get-watery-and-a-single-tear-falls kind of crying. I mean really crying. Maybe that it too much information, but oh well. I think it was because it was exactly what I needed to hear.
Anyway, enough of the sappy stuff. So what happened this past month... Valentine's Day... well, you saw the picture. 'nuff said. Next subject. I gave my friend Jordan H. a haircut. You look at the pictures and judge for yourself how that went.
You can guess what happens next...
Trying to hide the gravity of what I've done.
Whoop, there it is!
So Jada had to fix it.
In my defense, it was my first time cutting hair. Also, I asked if he had any scissors to cut around his ears since that is how my mom does it, but he told me to just use the razor. Bad idea.
On a lighter note, I got to go to the BYU v. Gonzaga game with a bunch of friends courtesy of Amph and it was loads of fun! :)
It has been a long month. But I can do it. I can and I will. And I would do it a thousand times over. I'm living, loving, and learning. I'm loving life and trying to live unafraid.
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