Wednesday, January 25, 2012

the past week.

   It's been a fantastic past week. It started when I talked to one of my dear friends and things were just how we left them. Granted, we both have been through different things since we last spent any time together but it was lovely. Then we woke up at 5:45 three mornings and went to the temple before class. I'm am NOT a morning person, but as soon as you walk into the temple all the temple workers are buzzing and happy and helpful and it instantly wakes you up. I love it. The difference was so apparent.
   Lately I've been starting up habits back up that I've been slacking on. I'm so much happier than I have ever been in the past. And in Provo too! It's been a fantastic start to the semester. Things are lookin' up for me!
   One of my shorter posts but I'll be sure to make up for it with a long post later on about one of things I don't like about Provo, and I'm sure almost all Provo girls can relate to this one...


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