Tuesday, April 16, 2013

post-conference. pre-summer.

today is the last day of classes, then comes prep for finals. my dad came into town on saturday to bring me a car (yes, best dad ever) and to run a marathon, and my mom and mia are coming tomorrow! i'm sooooo excited! and to just give you a little of idea of what i've been missing, here's a little picture of the cuteness i get to experience in less than twenty-four hours:

you can't tell me you aren't a little jealous.

so conference was last weekend on the sixth and seventh. a dear friend invited me to go to the saturday afternoon session of General Conference on the seventh. and our seats were like twenty rows from the prophet! it was seriously so cool. and i think i said "this is so cool" at least thirty-seven times just walking down to our seats. also during that session, the combined BYU choirs were singing instead of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and we knew like five or six people in the choir.
so, funny story. amph was put like right in the middle of the choir so he was on screen a lot. so when the congregation sang the intermediate hymn with the choir, they kept the camera right on Sister Hall who was leading the music. being in the middle, the camera was also on amph the whole time since he was to the left of Sister Hall. well, nobody told the choir what they would be singing so he only knew the words to the first verse. he kinda cracked a smile when he realized he didn't know the words, and that was when I noticed. so then for the second and third verses he was just singing nonsense and a lot of "blah blahs". i was trying SO hard not to laugh but i couldn't hold it in because it was hilarious! but other than that, he and the rest of the choir sounded so good.

also, I have more famous friends who got to be a part of this Divine Comedy music video. here's to all of you trudging to finals:

well, i should probably get back to class. more updates when i'm not in the midst of finals. less than two weeks to freedom!


little blessings.

this might sound silly, but sometimes the little things that first seem like trials or things that cause stress in our lives can turn out to be blessings, whether big or small. it's a paradox of sorts.

yesterday, i went to beto's with amph, a little kind of tradition. i can't go without him. he's kinda the one who introduced it to me so i feel it would be disloyal to go without him. anyway, so we went to beto's. afterwards we stopped by macey's really quickly just to get a few things. so as soon as we got to the car, amph realized that he had left his keys in the ignition, and they were then locked in the car.
fortunately, my dad decided to get me AAA one christmas (best present ever!) so we called and they said they would send a driver out... like forty-five minutes later.
we waited outside for a while, but it was getting really cold so we went inside. when we were inside, it started getting later than the time they had given us. so I tried calling them back and they said that the driver had gotten there but hadn't seen us so he just left. They said he tried calling but we didn't answer. well that's because they tried calling my dad's business line! i had given them my cell phone number and everything. i was so frustrated. they said it would take another thirty minutes for another driver to get there.
so we went back inside and continued to wait. ten minutes later the driver called and said he was there.
well, when we got to the car, amph went to the door and it was unlocked. my first thought was that we were both idiots and that it had been unlocked the whole time. but then we realized that the keys weren't in the ignition anymore. my second thought was that the driver had come and unlocked the car and then stolen the keys, or that somebody had taken them. my lack of faith in humanity is sometimes alarming i think. however, the driver said that if they unlock the car, they usually leave the keys in one of two places. so we checked there, and the keys were there. crisis averted!

so even though i was upset with AAA and the driver and the fact that it took so much time to resolve, it was good. I got to spend some quality time leaning up against the shelf of sale items in macey's talking to my best friend. and it was good. it was much needed. it was a tender mercy to me. we both had things to do, but in some ways we were blessed to have been stuck there with each other. well, i don't know how he feels about it, but i'm not complaining.

the first of many beto's runs.
